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How to Collect Video Testimonials from Happy Customers

Video testimonials are one of the most effective ways to increase trust and confidence among potential customers, leading to higher conversion rates and profit margins. By providing video testimonials on their website, small businesses can show potential customers that they’re a credible source of information and products or services.

Video testimonials are easy to produce with TrueStory, a content marketing platform that makes it easy for small businesses to collect and display customer testimonials on their website. With TrueStory, small businesses can provide customers with a unique link that greets them by name and requests them to leave a testimonial. The flow is quick and fun, allowing the customer to fill out a quick satisfaction survey, then provide a star rating and write up their testimonial or have our AI write it up for them. They can then read the testimonial into their video recorder and click to upload it. Once it’s uploaded, the video testimonial can be approved by the business for instant display on the website.

This easy-to-use platform makes it simple for small businesses to collect video testimonials from happy customers, increasing trust and confidence among potential customers and leading to higher conversion rates and profit margins.