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Search Engine Optimization – How TrueStory Can Help Improve Your SEO

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of optimizing a website so as to increase its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). This typically involves improving the site’s content, structure, and on-page elements like titles, metatags, and anchor text. The goal is to make the site’s pages more relevant and appealing to search engines so that they will rank them higher in the results pages for relevant queries.

The benefits of good SEO are manifold. First and foremost, improved visibility in SERPs typically leads to increased traffic levels. This is because when a site ranks higher, it becomes more visible and therefore more likely to be visited by potential customers. In addition, better rankings also tend to lead to increased brand awareness and even increased sales conversions.

TrueStory is a content marketing platform that helps businesses improve their online presence with high-quality customer success stories. One of the ways it does this is by simplifying Search Engine Optimization. TrueStory enables businesses to automatically create a high volume of AI written customer success stories that add thousands of keyword ranking opportunities.

A WordPress plugin is used to create optimized internal linking structures, provide structured data, and geo tags to the pages. The software also enables the content to be posted to Google my Business, YouTube, Reddit and more with backlinks to the content. This not only improves the site’s visibility in SERPs, but also its overall domain authority. As a result, businesses using TrueStory can expect to see improved rankings, increased traffic levels, and higher brand awareness.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your website’s SEO, then you should definitely check out TrueStory.