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How to Use Referral Marketing to Generate Leads


Referral marketing is a way to generate leads from customers who are referred to your business by their friends. It’s a high-quality lead generation source because people are more likely to trust referrals from their friends.

TrueStory is a content marketing platform that helps small businesses improve their online presence. We offer a referral marketing feature that automatically creates unique pages for each of their customers. These pages display the customer’s testimonial, a story about the service they received, and a share link.

Customers can be rewarded for any referrals you get as a result of the page. This can be in the form of a discount, free product or service, or some other reward.

Referral marketing is an effective way to generate leads because people are more likely to trust referrals from their friends. It’s also a great way to reward your customers for their loyalty and encourage them to spread the word about your business.