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Repipe1 Reduces Marketing Costs and Improves SEO with TrueStory

Repipe1 is a plumbing company that provides repiping services to businesses and homeowners in Orange County, CA. They were looking for a way to establish trust with their customers and build a proper online presence. They turned to TrueStory, our AI-powered software that helps businesses create customer success stories, video testimonials, and automate publishing.

The TrueStory solution allowed Repipe1 to reduce their marketing costs while improving their SEO and brand awareness. The AI story writer helped them create customer success stories quickly and easily, while the simple workflow and publishing controls made it easy to publish content to their website and social media accounts. The bulk content importer also made it easy to import content from their old website, and the mobile app allowed them to publish content on the go. The built-in SEO tools ensured that their content would rank high in search engine results pages, and the powerful publishing tools made it easy to customize their content for their website and social media accounts. Finally, the exemplary support from the TrueStory team ensured that they had everything they needed to get the most out of our software.

If you are looking for a way to establish trust with your customers, build a proper online presence, and reduce your marketing costs, then TrueStory is the solution for you.


Rockfield Boulevard, USA
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