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Easy customer video testimonial recorder

As a small business owner, you know that online presence is key to success. You also know that creating quality content can be challenging and time-consuming. That’s where TrueStory comes in.

TrueStory is a content marketing platform that makes it easy for small businesses to create and publish high-quality content. With TrueStory, you can quickly and easily create videos, articles, and customer testimonials. And best of all, TrueStory makes it easy to publish your content on your website.

One of the best features of TrueStory is our easy customer video testimonial recorder. This tool enables customers to click a link that enables them to record themselves giving a testimonial and automatically sends it to our platform’s web portal where users can approve it and have it posted automatically to their website.

This feature is incredibly useful for small businesses because it makes it easy to collect customer video testimonials. Video testimonials are an essential part of any small business’s marketing strategy, and with TrueStory, collecting them is easier than ever.

So if you’re looking for an easy way to improve your online presence, be sure to check out TrueStory. We make content marketing simple and easy for small businesses.