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Implement the TrueStory solution

As a small business, it can be tough to compete with the big guys when it comes to online presence. You might not have the same budget for marketing campaigns, and you certainly don’t have the staff to manage them all.

That’s where TrueStory comes in. Our software helps small businesses improve their online presence by taking advantage of our AI customer success story writer and automated WordPress and social media integrations.

The AI customer success story writer automatically creates engaging, informative customer stories that help improve your website’s SEO. These stories also help attract new customers and promote loyalty among existing ones.

The automated WordPress and social media integrations make it easy to publish your customer stories across your website, blog, and social media channels. This ensures that your customers’ stories are seen by as many people as possible, helping you to reach a larger audience and get more leads.

Overall, TrueStory is an essential tool for small businesses looking to improve their online presence. With TrueStory, you can easily create customer stories that will attract more traffic and leads, giving you a competitive edge over your competitors.